Who should I start in Week 14 Fantasy Football?

May 2024 · 6 minute read

CJ Stroud and Justin Fields each rank among the top ten fantasy football quarterbacks in points per game during the 2023 NFL season. They have achieved their rankings with different approaches to the position, but have each shown positive results. Stroud has been a dominant passer this year, while Fields' dual-threat abilities are a fantasy asset.

Managers with both of these star quarterbacks as Week 14 lineup options may be debating which one to start. This difficult decision could be crucial, especially with the 2023 fantays football playoffs beginning next week in most leagues. Wins will be pivotal this week, so choosing the right quarterback is extremely important. The following breakdown could help with the decision.

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Is CJ Stroud a good fantasy pick in Week 14?

Texans' CJ Stroud

CJ Stroud has been incredibly impressive in his first season with the Houston Texans. He basically has the Offensive Rookie of the Year award locked up at this point and has his team in the race for the NFL Playoffs. He has also emerged as one of the best fantasy football quarterbacks this year as well as one of the most productive passers in the NFL.

The rookie sensation currently ranks as the overall QB4 in fantasy points per game this season. He has done so by ranking among the top 13 weekly quarterbacks in eight of his 12 games so far. This includes a season-best QB1 finish when he recorded 470 yards and five touchdowns in one of the best single-game performances by a rookie quarterback in NFL history.

Up next for Stroud is a challenging road matchup with the New York Jets. They have featured one of the best overall defenses this year, especially against the pass, including allowing the fifth-fewest fantasy points per game to quarterbacks.

Another obstacle for Stroud in Week 14 is that he will be without Tank Dell, who suffered a season-ending injury last week. Dell has been one of his best playmakers, so it will be inetersting to see how he adjusts.

Is Justin Fields a good fantasy pick in Week 14?

Justin Fields

Justin Fields has been one of the best rushing quarterbacks in the NFL over the past two seasons for the Chicago Bears.

Rushing upside is one of the most valuable traits for his position in fantasy football, as demonstrated by most of the top scoring players using their legs as weapons. Fields is among them, ranking among the top 10 in fantasy points per game despite just two multi-touchdown passing performances this season.

The dynamic quarterback has been limited to just seven full games so far this year due to a thumb injury, but he has made them count. He has also improved his fantasy football ranking recently after finishing as QB8 or better in three of his past five games. This includes a two-game stretch when he finished as QB1 and QB3 while totaling eight touchdowns.

Up next for Fields is a Week 14 rematch against the Detroit Lions, who he had an excellent fantasy football performance against three weeks ago. His season-high 104 rushing yards helped him finish as the QB8 that week. This time, he faces them at home and with their defense recently struggling. The Lions are currently allowing the sixth-most fantasy points per game to quarterbacks.

CJ Stroud vs. Justin Fields: Who should I start in Week 14 fantasy football?

Fields vs Stroud

According to the Start/Sit Optimizer, Justin Fields makes for a better quarterback option than CJ Stroud in Week 14 fantasy football lineups. This valuable tool weighs every possible variable for any player in a given week to generate fantasy projections and lineup suggestions. In this particular scenario, it favors Fields for a higher projected output.

The weekly projections further demonstrate the value of rushing upside for quarterbacks in fantasy football. Despite Stroud being expected to record more than double the amount of passing yards, it's not enough to overcome Fields' elite rushing projections this week.

Matchups are always an important factor when making fantasy projections and they appear to play a major role in this specific comparison.

The Jets have consistently been one of the top defenses this season, while the Lions started the year strong but have struggled in recent weeks. The fact that Fields recently rushed for over 100 yards against them is another added bonus to his weekly value

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