Pathfinder 1E - Fly Skill and things that let you Fly

May 2024 · 2 minute read
The description of the Fly Skill in the PF Core Rules includes the following lines:
You cannot take ranks in this skill without a natural means of flight or gliding. Creatures can also take ranks in Fly if they possess a reliable means of flying every day (either through a spell or other special ability). (Core Rules Pg 96)

Creatures with a fly speed treat the Fly skill as a class skill. (Core Rules Pg 96)​

We are having a discussion in our local group on the following question:

Our Cleric has the Travel domain, which gives him access to the spell Fly every day, thereby seeming to satisfy the requirement of possessing "a reliable means of flying every day." The Fly spell grants a fly speed, thereby seeming to satisfy the requirement of being a "creature with a fly speed."

Does the Cleric treat the Fly Skill as a Class Skill while under the effects of a Fly spell?

Things that have already come up:

One argument attempted to say that flying is different for "creatures" than it is for PC's, equating creatures with monsters. This was shot down by quoting the PF definition of "creature:" A creature is an active participant in the story or world. This includes PCs, NPCs, and monsters. (Core Rules pg 11)

An attempt is being made to argue that "Creatures with a fly speed.." (the Skill) is not the same as "The subject can fly at a speed of..." (the Fly spell).

Thoughts and opinions?

