Anndel Taylor GoFundMe page raises more than $27,000 as Buffalo woman dies in car

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Anndel Taylor was killed by the new snowstorm in Bison, New York over the occasion end of the week. The medical clinic representative was going back from work when her vehicle stalled out in the snow. After crisis responders couldn’t make it because of tempest related delays, the youth died caught in her vehicle.

The 22-year-old Charlotte-local was getting back on Friday when she got found out in the memorable snowstorm. While caught in her vehicle, Anndel Taylor sent her family a progression of video refreshes about the consistently rising snow.

Around 4:15 pm on Friday, her family got a clasp showing her windows canvassed in snow. Her last video, which was taken soon after 12 PM on Christmas Eve, showed her lowered ice-shrouded window and one more van caught in the snowstorm with its crisis lights on.

Anndel Taylor’s mom Wanda Earthy colored Steele uncovered that her girl had called 911 for help and that Anndel was “terrified.” The mother likewise uncovered:

“The salvage individuals let her that everything know that was attempting to get out and help was likewise stalling out.” In the last message shipped off her family, Anndel Taylor uncovered that she chose to get some rest while trusting that the crisis responders will show up. She additionally shared that she would get away from by walking on the off chance that the heros didn’t show up later on.

Her family uncovered that by the following morning, “she didn’t answer her telephone.” Her mom added:

“Assuming she was protected, she realizes my number-she would have called to ensure no one was stressed over her. Thus by then, we realized something was off-base.” Anndel Taylor’s family continued to find her vehicle 24 hours after they figured out that she was caught in the vehicle.

The casualty’s family accepts that Taylor died from carbon monoxide harming as the snow covered the fumes pipes while she dozed in the vehicle with the motor racing to remain warm.

A GoFundMe gathering pledges crusade was made by Taylor’s sister, Shawnequa Brown. Its portrayal perused:

At the hour of composing this article, the pledge drive had aggregated $28,417. It intended to arrive at the objective of $12,000. The most elevated gift of $700 was made by Macy Raymond.

The Post uncovered that the family was endeavoring to return her body once again to Charlotte, where Taylor remained since she was 2 years of age.

Taylor’s grandma Sylvia Taylor said in a meeting with WSOC-television:

Taylor is one of at least 27 Bison locals that died because of the frightening snowstorm. At least 50 individuals have died from the equivalent across the country.
