Thomas Robb Wife: Was Thomas Robb Married?

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Thomas Robb is an American white nationalist, Ku Klux Klan chief, and Christian Identity pastor born in 1946. Robb is also the National Director of The Knights Party, also known as the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. In this post, we will look at who Thomas Robb’s Wife is and other details about him.

ALSO READ: Meet Thomas Robb’s Daughter, Rachel Pendergraft

Thomas Robb Biography

Robb was born in Detroit, Michigan, and raised in Tucson, Arizona. He later became a well-known pastor of the Christian Revival Center in Zinc, Arkansas. However, Robb gained notoriety for espousing racist and antisemitic views, as well as for founding the Thomas Robb Ministries, which asserts that certain ethnicities, such as Anglo-Saxons, Germanic, Scandinavian, and their “kindred” people, are the “people of the Bible.”

In 1989, Robb took over the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan from David Duke and rebranded it as “The Knights Party.” He attempted to make the organization more appealing to the mainstream by accepting members via mail-in forms instead of initiation rites and changing its name. Despite these efforts, Robb’s message remained the same – promoting white supremacy and attacking racial and religious minorities.

Robb has been extensively linked to far-right groups and individuals. He has participated in events organized by the Aryan Nations, appeared on white supremacist radio networks, and regularly contributed to Stormfront, a white supremacist forum. He began advocating in 1996 that white people were being targeted for genocide, a claim that has been debunked by scholars and human rights organizations.

Robb’s daughter and granddaughters formed a “white nationalist” band called Heritage Connection, and his Party publishes The Crusader, a quarterly publication that advocates white supremacist views. In 2016, Robb wrote a front-page article in The Crusader endorsing Donald Trump and his message, which the Trump campaign disavowed.

Despite his attempts to gain acceptance from the mainstream, Robb’s views and actions have been widely condemned as hateful and dangerous. In May 2022, YouTuber Niko Omilana disguised himself as a journalist and interviewed Robb in Zinc, where Robb unknowingly shouted out fake Instagram users whose names phonetically spelt out phrases such as “BLM,” demonstrating his deep-seated animosity towards the Black Lives Matter movement.

Thomas Robb’s Wife: Was Thomas Robb Married?

There is currently no information on who Thomas Robb’s wife is. However, the name of his daughter is known. She is Rachel Pendergraft. Rachel is his only child. The “white nationalist” band Heritage Connection was founded in 2009 by Rachel Pendergraft, Robb’s daughter, and Charity and Shelby Pendergraft, his grandchildren.
