Kevin Kolbye Obituary, ArlingtonPD Assistant Police Chief Has Passed Away

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Kevin Kolbye Obituary, Death Cause – On Friday, October 20, 2023, the law enforcement community and the city of Arlington, Texas, were met with the heartbreaking news of the passing of Assistant Police Chief (Ret.) Kevin F. Kolbye. He passed away, surrounded by his beloved wife, family, and friends. Kevin’s legacy is one of unwavering commitment and dedication to the Arlington Police Department and the safety of the community. Having retired just over a year ago on February 18, 2022, his life and career stand as a testament to the importance of public service.

A Life of Service

Kevin F. Kolbye’s life was defined by his commitment to serving his community. His career with the Arlington Police Department spanned decades, where he rose through the ranks and eventually served as an Assistant Police Chief. During his tenure, he made significant contributions to the department and left an indelible mark on the city.

One of the notable aspects of Kevin’s career was his dedication to community policing. He recognized the importance of fostering positive relationships between law enforcement and the residents they served. Under his leadership, the Arlington Police Department implemented community outreach programs, enhanced community policing initiatives, and worked diligently to build trust with the public. Kevin believed that a safer community could be achieved through collaboration, transparency, and genuine communication.

Retirement and Legacy

Kevin Kolbye’s retirement on February 18, 2022, marked the end of an era for the Arlington Police Department. His colleagues and community members celebrated his career with gratitude and admiration. Many recognized him as a leader who not only demanded excellence but also exemplified it in his own work. His retirement was an opportunity to reflect on the profound impact he had on the department and the city.

In his retirement, Kevin continued to support the community through various volunteer and mentoring initiatives. He remained a guiding light, demonstrating that service to the community was not just a job but a way of life. His willingness to share his expertise and experiences with the next generation of law enforcement professionals was a testament to his dedication to the field.

A Role Model and Mentor

Kevin F. Kolbye’s impact extended beyond the police force. He was a role model and mentor to many, not only in the police department but also in the wider community. He inspired those around him to strive for excellence, integrity, and empathy in their own service.

His dedication to leadership development and his passion for helping others succeed made him a cherished figure among his colleagues. Many officers looked up to him for guidance, and he was known for his ability to encourage, inspire, and instill a sense of purpose in those he worked with.


The passing of Assistant Police Chief (Ret.) Kevin F. Kolbye is a loss that reverberates throughout the Arlington Police Department and the city as a whole. His commitment to public service, his enduring legacy, and his role as a mentor and leader are qualities that will be remembered and cherished by many.

Kevin Kolbye’s career stands as a testament to the importance of dedicated individuals in the field of law enforcement. He showed that service to the community goes beyond duty; it is a calling and a way of life. As the Arlington community mourns the loss of this distinguished leader, they also celebrate the positive impact he had on the city and the lives he touched.

Kevin Kolbye’s memory will live on in the hearts and minds of those he worked with, mentored, and served. He leaves a legacy that serves as a source of inspiration for current and future law enforcement officers and a reminder of the profound impact one person can have on a community.
