Joe Rogan gay leather orgy in Boston

May 2024 · 4 minute read

JOE ROGAN: 'How do you feel about education?’ I think it’s critical, it’s very important. 'How do you feel about indoctrination by people who are educators?’ I don’t like that at all. Those are two very different things!

GAD SAAD: Right.

ROGAN: And if you want to tell me that they’re the same thing, I say fuck you! Cause they’re not! Cause there’s a lot of fucking crazy people that wind up being teachers.

Someone said to me that, or I read this, not all – the term “groomer,” a lot of people don’t like that term online. They’re very upset. But they’re real. There are groomers. You don’t like it? Do you not like it because you don’t want children to be groomed, or do you not like it cause it’s a pejorative that’s used against the left? Which I think is more likely.

Here’s what’s more important — not have people groom your fucking kids! That’s what’s more important than you getting uncomfortable with this word because it’s used by people on the right.

Like I saw someone, as an argument, who I think is an intelligent person say that there should be a block against using the word “groomer.”

SAAD: Unbelievable.

ROGAN: No! No, there should be no groomers! How about that! This is what they wrote, they said, “Not all teachers are groomers, but a lot of groomers are teachers.” And that’s real! That’s a real fucking problem. I mean, constantly, teachers are getting arrested. For exposing themselves to children, for masturbating in front of children, for sending nude pictures in front of children. Every couple days there’s a new one that pops up in the news.

And how many of those people haven’t been caught yet? And how many of those people are out there? And how many of those people are doing it under the guise of “I’m an LGBTQ educator!'”

SAAD: I’m keeping a tally of how much hate mail you’re going to be getting.

ROGAN: Well good luck. I don’t read it. There’s people who are good people in all walks of life. Trans people, gay people, straight people, bisexual, whatever the fuck you are. There’s good people in all walks of life. There’s also pieces of shit that will use those labels in order to get closer to groups of people and indoctrinate them. Indoctrinate them for their own sexual pleasure. That’s real.

SAAD: So you don’t like kindergarten teachers talking about gender identity?

ROGAN: Oh I think it’s important, you know. I think everyone should know it. I think, like that’s why that whole, what they were calling the Don’t Say Gay bill in Florida was so infuriating. Like, when you’re saying that you oppose any sort of legislation that prevents people from talking about sex and gender identity and sexual orientation with people that are first grade through third grade. You oppose anything that restricts that — I go, Okay, who are you talking about? I’ve had some fucking idiots for teachers when I grew up. Can you imagine if those fucking idiots were trying to convince your child they should be homosexual or that they should even be straight? Imagine if you have a kid that’s gay–

SAAD: Nevermind convincing, how about just don’t talk about this issue?

ROGAN: That’s my point. My point is, imagine if you have a gay child and you have a fucking teacher that’s trying to indoctrinate your child into the world of heterosexuality, and convince your child that they are going to burn in hell if that child is gay. Imagine how furious you would be. Well it works the other way too!

SAAD: Right.

ROGAN: Right? It does. It works the other way.

You should be really good to be able to — really good at what you do if you wanna talk to a fucking 7-year-old about gender identity and sex and — I’ve seen some of these people with lip rings and fucking blue hair. They clearly are ideologically bound.

I’m not saying there is anything wrong with the way they live their life. — But I’m saying you should not be the person who talks to children about this! Especially if you’re a fucking history teacher.
