How Elon Musk Really Feels About Nikola Tesla

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read

Elon Musk has made clear his admiration for both Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison, seeing them both as pivotal figures in the history of electric power. Musk especially has a lot to thank Tesla for, as his cars make use of the AC power their namesake made a reality. As far as whom he personally takes the most inspiration from, however, Tesla takes a backseat (via Big Think). While it is a fair point that many of Edison's patents were acquired through the labor of his employees, he was unequivocally a master of marketing. 

Tesla attempted innovation through a variety of different projects but reached the end of his life destitute and in mental decline after failing to successfully establish a relationship with Edison's rival, George Westinghouse. Meanwhile, the inventions Edison is credited with, wrongfully or not, became accessible to the public through his business savvy. It is because of this that Musk even draws comparisons between Edison and other figures like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Ultimately, it is the objective success of Edison that left a lasting impression on him.
