Chuck Berry Scandal Where Is He Now?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

There have been multiple Chuck Berry scandals circulating on the internet since 1990 when he allegedly installed cameras in a restaurant.

Chuck Berry is known to have one of the longest careers in music. The musician has released multiple hit songs like Roll Over Beethoven and Johnny B. Goode. Many huge bands like Rolling Stones and the Beatles were all inspired by Chuck Berry initially.

The music icon has experienced multiple scandals throughout his life. One of his main scandals broke out when he was in the prime of his career in 1990.

A chef from a Missouri-based restaurant claimed that Chuck had installed multiple cameras in the women’s rooms and had multiple footage of the n*ked woman.

How did Chuck become famous?

Chuck was born in 1926 in St.Louis Missouri. His family belonged to the middle class and the guy worked his way to where he is on his own. 

The Beatles took inspiration from Chuck’s music which can be seen in the Beatles’ music productions. They often performed Chuck’s songs live.

Chuck made tours all over the United States to perform and managed to strengthen his music as well as his business profile. In the late 80s, Berry opened a restaurant in his hometown in Missouri. He served as the manager of the restaurant.

Chuck’s 1990 scandal

In 1990, a chef at Chuck’s restaurant claimed that Chuck had placed multiple hidden cameras in the women’s bathroom and had recorded clips of thousands of girls (many of whom were underage) as they went undressed while using the restroom. This claim was made in a video from a YouTube channel.

A package of videotapes allegedly holding the scandalous footage—which had reportedly been turned into compilations—was discovered by the restaurant’s handyman. 

When the story broke, Berry came under fire from many people for his behavior on Twitter. Fortunately, Berry avoided going to jail. 

Chuck Berry didn't just let women use the bathroom at his restaurant. He taped them without their consent while they were on the toilet.

— Taffy Brodesser-Akner (@taffyakner) March 19, 2017

Nevertheless, the incident resulted in a class-action lawsuit being filed against him. And he ultimately had to submit a $1.2 million penalty.

After the controversy, the restaurant eventually closed. But, Berry filed a claim in order to get his tapes back.

Berry’s life didn’t only feature this particular scandalous news involving the camera. Grunge notes that Berry was the target of a significant federal drug investigation at his house in Wentzville, Missouri. 

It happened in the same year when he was facing a lawsuit over the tape recordings. The musician’s will of receiving cash payments for his concerts caused him problems with taxes as well.
