Penelope Ford Opens Up about the Tragic Experience of Her Miscarriage

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Penelope Ford and Kip Sabian gained recognition for their work on the independent scene. The duo signed with AEW back in 2019 and have largely been featured in the midcard scene. Unfortunately, Ford suffered a miscarriage and it continues to haunt her even now.

Kip Sabian was out of action a long time ago and during that time, he and Penelope Ford found out they were having a baby. What was going to be a joyous occasion turned into tragedy when Ford suffered a miscarriage 10 weeks into her pregnancy.

For those who do not know, WWE Superstar Carmella suffered a similar personal tragedy while back as she and her husband Corey Grave were expecting a child but suffered a miscarriage back in October.

Carmella would eventually get pregnant again earlier this month and inspired many, including Penelope Ford. Ford took to her Instagram and uploaded several photos of her condition during the 10 weeks of her pregnancy prior to the miscarriage, revealing more harrowing details of how mental state after the incident.

As I lie in bed next to my husband right now, I think of what could have been, and how hurt we still feel in silence because of “what could have been, would’ve been”. I feel personally touched by Carmella’s post a few days ago of all her worries during their current pregnancy… I couldn’t imagine the fear they felt, but we celebrate their rainbow baby 💕 all we know is how I felt finding out and being pregnant than suddenly feeling like no one was home anymore, was one of the most absolutely terrible feelings out there. These are all my photos except the comparison I had of my belly at 10 weeks to a YouTuber’s belly at 10 week with twins, which we were so convinced we were having, because, I mean we were the same size!… however it was a fibroid the size of a cantaloupe accompanying our baby, which caused the miscarriage. I had it removed for our future pregnancies, the scars reminding me everyday of what happened. We like to believe this baby made us aware of the issue that would have caused complications with them and any future babies had we not removed it, and somehow we mentally form some sort of idea of them being some blessing in disguise that was here for a short time for its future siblings that’d be here for a long time. I also want to extend a thank you to those who reached out and shared their experiences and I was unable to respond because I felt so personally touched by all the kind words you all sent and shared, just mentally I wasn’t and still not there to connect with the matter, and I’m sorry for feeling that way just like I feel sorry for myself for somehow feeling like this is all my fault, even when I know it is not.

Penelope Ford had to take a break from in-ring competition and televised appearances due to her miscarriage and surgery. We send our support to Penelope Ford and pray she will recover from this experience.

What are your views on what Penelope Ford revealed about her miscarriage? Do you feel bad for her? Let us know in the comments section.
